Acquisition of equipment for automating the ready return of books from the Ecole Nationale Polytechnique-Algiers, Lot no.01: Implementation of RFID technology For candidates of the…
Month: February 2024
See the notice
Transportation of Students / Staff and Teachers by Bus Consultation Notice N°01/ENP/2024 Extension of Deadline
Acquisition of private vehicles for the benefit of the National Polytechnic School Consultation No. 07/ENP/2024
On February 18th, the École Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme (EPAU) organizedan ideas’ competition for its students to rehabilitate a language room at the École NationalePolytechnique…
Transportation of students/teaching staff by bus Notice of consultation No. 01/ENP/2024
Accommodation Consultation No. 06/ENP/2024
The Ecole Nationale Polytechnique informs all bidders who participated in theConsultation No.03/ENP/2024 of January 17, 2024 relating to “Cleaning of blocksbenefit of the École Nationale…
Following the evaluation of the bid opening and tender evaluation committee on 01/23/2024, consultation 01/ENP/2024 is declared unsuccessful NOTICE OF FAILURE OF CONSULTATION No. 01/ENP/2024
Catering for the benefit of the Ecole Nationale Polytechnique Consultation No. 05/ENP/2024