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Registrations and Re-registrations in Post-graduation for the year 2020/2021

Post-graduation Registration and Re-registration conditions for the year 2020/2021:

  • Post-graduation registrations and re-registrations must follow the conditions below.
  • The file consists of:

First Registration in the subject of Doctorate in Sciences and D-LMD (Paper Version) (D-LMD after the competition):

  1. Copies of all Diplomas giving access to training including the Baccalaureate,
  2. A receipt for the registration fees of 200 DA to be paid in the name of the Accounting Officer of the Ecole Nationale Polytechnique  (No. of CCP : 1619658/28),
  3. An individual statistical form duly completed by the candidate
  4. Authorization from the employing organization for the entire duration of the doctorate or a declaration on the honor of a non-employee.
  5. Two ID photos
  6. A copy of the social security registration card.
  7. A registration form for a Doctoral Thesis subject.
  8. A Subject Identification Sheet containing the title of the subject, the summary and 5 key words. An electronic version (MS WORD) of this sheet must also be sent to the e-mail address
    (file name: Last Name_First Name_Department_2020.doc). The school certificate will only be issued after receipt of this file.
  9. For D-LMD: Photocopy of pages 3, 12, 13 and 14 of the doctoral student’s notebook filled in. Page 12 should be signed by all the people concerned (Doctoral student, CFD manager, thesis director,
    Director of the Laboratory).
  10. Declaration on honor attesting that the PhD student is not registered for a PhD in any establishment university outside the ENP (ENP form).

Re-registration in Doctorate in Sciences and Doctorate D-LMD (During COVID period: doctoral students living outside the Wilaya of Algiers can first send a digital version of the file*):

  1. A registration fee receipt of 200 DA to be paid in the name of the Accounting Officer of the National Polytechnic School. CCP number: 1619658/28). * (scanned receipt)
  2. A re-registration form duly completed by the candidate (only if there is a change from the previous year). * (PDF)
  3. Progress report and authorization for re-registration signed by the candidate, the thesis director(s) and endorsed by the department. * (Electronic signatures) (PDF)
  4. Authorization from the employing organization or a sworn declaration from a non-employee (only if there is a change from the previous year) *(scanned)
  5. A request for exemption approved by the CSD must be attached to the re-registration file on the basis of a report from the thesis director justifying the delay. A CSD report must be attached. (Only for the Sixth registration in Doctorate in Sciences, the Fourth and Fifth year in D-LMD). *(scanned)

Documents required for registration and re-registration:

Registration and re-registration dates for Post-Graduation Year 2020/2021

  • Deadlines for submitting applications at Department level:
    • First registration for a Doctorate in Sciences: Sunday November 15, 2020.
    • Re-registration for Doctorate in Sciences and D-LMD: Sunday November 22, 2020.
    • First registration for a D-LMD Doctorate: after the competition
  • Deadlines for receipt of files by the DAP GRS:
    • First registration for a Doctorate in Sciences: Tuesday November 17, 2020.
    • Re-registration for Doctorate in Sciences and D-LMD: Monday November 23, 2020.
    • First registration for a D-LMD Doctorate: after the competition

The files must be signed by those concerned, verified and endorsed by the Department.

Files for first registration as a thesis subject must be accompanied by a Minutes of the Scientific Committee of the Department indicating the proposed subject, the Thesis Director, his grade and his establishment of practice.

For the first registration in a Doctorate in Sciences:

  • The Scientific Committees of the Departments must ensure that the candidate’s diplomas match the chosen specialty.
  • The candidate must be registered in an ENP Research Laboratory approved in the sector.

NB :

  • Any handwritten form will be inadmissible.
  • No re-registration or incomplete registration file will be admissible.
  • No re-registration or registration file will be accepted beyond the set deadline.
  • Any modification in the registration or re-registration forms will result in the rejection of the file.

The school certificate will be established on the basis of the information provided on the registration or re-registration form.

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